Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happiness is just a matter of choice

When you are young you have lots of goals, life is very exciting, you have lots of new things to look forward to. At first it is education, then finding a job, then getting hikes and promotions etc. Small things like good grades, any other achievement, appreciation by your manager and fun with friends keep you happy. In School if you have long and boring vacation it feels like you are dead bored. Even if for 2 months you don't have many friends to play with, you start to say life is dull and boring right now.

And when you think about getting married or settling down it sounds like bad idea! I always used to wonder what will I do in my married life??!! I will surely get bored. What will happen after you have kids!? Yeah first few years might be exciting but after a few years, I surely will get bored of the hectic routines of taking care of kids and managing your job, household etc.

Finally I got married and in 8-9 months itself I started getting a feeling that the routine is boring. Of course marriage brings its own nice things but as a wife or husband you have a responsibility towards the other person which does make you busy and hence the routine comes into picture. After 10 months I happened to travel abroad and luckily to a very good location. You can call it one of the best possible onsite locations for any consultant. When I landed in that city everything was really exciting, everything was new and I used to be happy just because I was in that city. After 3 months of staying there, everything in the city became normal for me. There was nothing that was new or exciting for me. So I was no more in my happy mood. Things felt like a pain, daily routine felt like such a burden.

That is exactly when it occurred to me that - I am in one of the best cities of the world, I have a really nice job, handsome salary, a happy married life, loving siblings and parents. I have enough of outings, adventures and fun. Basically I don't have anything that I can complain about! But still I am bored of the daily routine of going to work and managing a small household! That is when i realized life is not going to have new things for you every second! There are going to be routines, there are going to be similar things for at least small duration in your life. You will have to do the same job for few years! You will have to live the same hectic life for some time! And it is just a matter of choice that you will do it happily or will you want to crib and do it with a bad mood.

So it is up to you, you can choose to be happy about things and you can choose to take each day as a new beginning, you can get excited about very small things and be happy! You can choose to be cheerful and jolly doing the same job! It is just a matter of choice!

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